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Report the resolution of the Board of Directors Meeting 5/07

BackAug 06, 2007

SET 020/2550

August 3, 2007

Subject: To report the resolution of the Board of Directors Meeting, session. 5/2007

To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand

The Board of Directors' Meeting, session 5/2007 of SVI Public Company Limited held on August 3, 2007 at 13:10 - 14.15 hr., at Board Room, Pacific City Club, 142 Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok, has resolved the followings:

1. Approved the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, No. 4/2007

2. Approved the Company's report of the Quarter 2/2007 operating results

3. Approved the reviewed Financial Statements for the Quarter 2/2007 which has already been approved by the audit committee.

4. Approved re-appointment of Dr. Suvarn Valaisathien to be the Chairman of the Audit Committees for another term

5. Approved the increase of the registered capital and paid-up capital in Globe Vision Corp, a wholly owned subsidiary of SVI Plc. for the amount of US$ 200,000 (US$ : Two hundred thousand only). Globe Vision Corp will then have a total registered capital and paid-up capital at the amount of US$ 250,000 (US$: Two hundred fifty thousand only) for the investment in SVI China Ltd. and approved Mr. Pongsak Lothongkam be and is hereby authorized on behalf of the Company in execution of any issue in relations to the increase of the capital in Globe Vision Corp.

6. Approved a loan of US$ 900,000 (US$ : Nine hundred thousand only) from SVI Plc. to Globe Vision Corp, a wholly owned subsidiary of SVI , for the investment in SVI China Ltd. in which SVI China Limited can subsequently invest in SVI Electronics (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.

We, therefore, inform you the above for your acknowledgement and dissemination to the public and other investors.


Yours faithfully,


(Mrs. Pissamai Saibua)
Chief Financial Officer


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