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To inform the status of the amendment of par value

BackMay 09, 2007


May 9, 2007

Subject : To inform the status of the amendment of par value

To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand

Since, the Company informed the effective date of the amendment of par value that it should be on May 9, 2007. However the company can not complete the registration on this date because there are many topics that have to be registered with The Ministry of Commerce per the approval made by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2007.

Thus, the change in the Exercise Ratio and Price of Warrants (SVI-W2, ESOP 1 and ESOP 4) to Purchase Ordinary Shares of the Company can not be effective on May 9, 2007.

We will inform The Stock Exchange of Thailand to consider for changing the trading system of our securities in Security Market, when the registration on the amendment of par value with The Ministry Commerce is complete.

We, therefore, inform you of the above matter, this is for your acknowledgment and dissemination to the public and other investors.


Yours faithfully,


(Ms. Pissamai Saibua)
Chief Financial Officer