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The registration for the amendment of par value

BackMay 15, 2007


May 15, 2007

Subject : The registration for the amendment of par value with The Ministry of Commerce

To : President The Stock Exchange of Thailand

In relation to the approval made by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2007 held on April 26, 2007, regarding the amendment of the Company's par value from Baht 10 per share to Baht 1 per share.

Thus, we would like to inform that the Company has already registered the amendment of par value from Baht 10 per share to Baht 1 per share with the registrar of Public Company Limited, the Ministry of Commerce since May 15, 2007.

Thus, the Exercise Ratio and Price of Warrants to Purchase Ordinary Shares of the Company are amended as listed below:

Existing: Balance 35,872,808 units 1(One) unit of warrant to 1 (One) unit of ordinary share at exercise price of 10 Baht/share
New: Balance 358,728,080 units 1 (One) unit of warrant to 1 (One) unit of ordinary share at exercise price of 1 Baht/share
Existing: Balance 843,134 units 1(One) unit of warrant to 1 (One) unit of ordinary share at exercise price of 6.95 Baht/share
New: Balance 8,431,340 units 1 (One) unit of warrant to 1 (One) unit of ordinary share at exercise price of 0.695 Baht/share
Existing: Balance 3,766,667 units 1(One) unit of warrant to 1 (One) unit of ordinary share at exercise price of 10 Baht/share
New: Balance 37,666,670 units 1(One) unit of warrant to 1 (One) unit of ordinary share at exercise price of 1 Baht/share

We, therefore, would like to inform you of the above matter, this is for your acknowledgment and dissemination to the public and other investors.


Yours faithfully,


(Mrs. Pissamai Saibua)
Chief Financial Officer


Copy to : Secretary-General The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission

Vice President
Thailand Securities Depository Co., Ltd.