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Notification of Intention to Exercise Warrants (SVI-W2)

BackDec 23, 2009

SET 042/2009

December 23, 2009

Subject: Notification of Intention to Exercise Warrants (SVI-W2)

To: President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand

According to the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting 1/2006 of SVI Public Company Limited on June 21, 2006, the Company has issued the warrant to purchase common share of the Company (SVI-W2), exercisable every three months on January 15, April 15,July 15 and October 15 and the last exercise on December 14, 2010. The Company would like to notify the process of exercising SVI-W2 No.9 on January 15,2010 as follows:

1. Exercise date:
January 15, 2010

2. Submission:
Within 5 business days before exercise date; submission period for this exercise is on January 8-14,2010 during 9.00-15.00 hours

3. Exercise price:
Baht 1.00 (one) per share

4. Exercise ratio:
1 Warrant for 1 Common Share

5. Documents to be submitted
Warrant holders who wish to exercise their warrants should complete the following actions and submit the following documents at the contact place mentioned below:

5.1 A duly completed warrants exercise form notifying the company of their intention to exercise the warrant. (This form can be downloaded from ).

5.2 Slip of warrant withdrawal issued by Thailand Securities Depository Co.,Ltd. with the number of shares entitled for purchase shares equal to number of shares identified in warrant exercise form.

5.3 Payment, in accordance to the warrant exercise form, made payable by cheque, bank's draft or cashier cheque with clearance in Bangkok area and payable to "SVI Public Company Limited for Shares Subscription" crossed "Account Payee Only" dated the exercise date with the amount specified in warrant exercise form. Any such exercise will be deemed to be completed when it is fully paid.

The Company also allows holders to pay for the exercise of warrants directly into bank account at the Savings Account named "SVI Public Company Limited for Shares Subscription" of CIMB THAI Public

Company Limited, Sathorn Branch, account number 099-2-01010-3. Holders who do so must submit their original pay-in slip showing the said payment to the Company.

5.4 For individual person, a copy of his/her Thai identification card/ passport,properly singed and authorized for its completeness. For juristic person, a copy of the certification document issued by PublicCompany Registrar of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, or a copy of the certificate of incorporation notarized by notary public (not more than 6 months old), properly signed and authorized for its completeness. And signed copies of the identification cards of the authorized persons.

6. Contact:

Investor Relations Department
SVI Public Company Limited
33/10 Moo 4, Bangtalad, Pakkred, Nontaburi, 11120
Telephone 02-574-5671 Ext 1818

7. Other conditions
Warrant holders must purchase shares not less than 100 shares per exercise and must be nominal number of shares. In case that warrant holders have rights to purchase shares less than 100 shares, they must exercise all at one time.


Yours faithfully,


(Mrs. Pissamai Saibua)
Chief Financial Officer



  • 2009-12-23-svi001e.pdf (Size: 95,409 bytes)